So he wrote a macro that basically consisted of a list of groups e. To control file use (for example, reference to Toolbox or other files when opening documents in a SolidWorks Workgroup PDM Vault), clear the option search file locations for external references in Tools, Options, System Options, External References.
While attending the Birds-of-a-Feather session for EPDM at SWW11 and interesting topic was discussed about performance and how you structure your files within EPDM. ” - Vincent Clerc, R&D Mechatronics Manager, Aldebaran Robotics SOLIDWORKS PDM takes care of your data SOLIDWORKS PDM centralizes the storage of all your engineering data and related files to give you these benefits: Built-in PDM Folder Browse dialog. UPDATE for SolidWorks 2014: The following protocol is no longer necessary to achieve a different sheet format for addition sheets on a drawing. Right-click top-level assembly or drawing outside of PDM Vault and choose “Solidworks: Pack and Go”. These files can cause huge problems when trying to migrate into a new PDM system because of the way SolidWorks stores reference path data in the Configure a second EC2 instance to administer the SOLIDWORKS PDM Managing PDM Data Card. SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard Contributor SolidWorks Enterprise PDM EPDM Server infrastructure Infrastructure overview SolidWorks Enterprise PDM uses a database server and a file server 1 for hosting central data about files and activities in a file vault. File Management is extremely valuable for any SOLIDWORKS user not using a PDM solution. > Administration > SOLIDWORKS Installation and Administration Guide > SOLIDWORKS PDM and SOLIDWORKS Manage. Learn more about the capabilities of each license type below or review our Guide to Buying SOLIDWORKS PDM. Keep folders structure similar what is recommended and used in Handbook for SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard. A file type defines the format that file is written in, the file extension, indicates this format.